UserLoop API
UserLoop API Documentation Welcome to the UserLoop API documentation! This guide will walk you through how to make requests to the UserLoop API to retrieve customer responses for a specific survey. Authentication To authenticate your request, you need to include an API key in the request headers: x-api-key: YOURAPIKEY Replace YOURAPIKEY with your actual UserLoop API key, which you can generate on your account settings page. Getting Customer Responses To retrieve cuFew readersUserLoop SDK
Integrating UserLoop SDK onto Your Website This guide will walk you through the process of integrating the UserLoop SDK onto your website to display surveys and collect user feedback. You can embed a UserLoop survey anywhere, from a simple page, to a checkout process on an ecommerce platform. You can optionally pass through details about a customer and their order to help to help with analyzing and segmenting your survey responses. The quickest way to embed a survey is from the 'Embed' mFew readers